Tired searching for a geckoboard alternative or exploring alternatives to Geckoboard? You've come to the right place! Lets SnipOwl with Geckoboard, two data visualization platforms, helping you understand their strengths and weaknesses, to determine which tool best fits your specific needs and potentially find the best alternative to Geckoboard.

Quick Comparison Table

Feature SnipOwl Geckoboard
Pricing Paid plans starting at $11.99/month Plans from $39/month
Data Sources Unlimited Integrations & Connections 80+ integrations
Real-time Updates Yes Yes
Customization Highly customizable dashboards Moderate
Learning Curve Easy to use Easy to get started
Collaboration Easy to share & embed data  Basic

What is Geckoboard?

Geckoboard is a popular data visualization tool known for its simplicity and focus on key metrics. As businesses grow and their data needs become more complex, many start looking for Geckoboard alternatives that offer more advanced features. SnipOwl presents itself as a compelling alternative to Geckoboard, especially for those seeking more customization and advanced analytics capabilities.

What is Snipowl? 

Snipowl is google extension that allows users to create live dashboards in seconds - without traditional integrations like API keys or webhooks. Since Snipowl doesnt rely on conventional methods to collect data it allows agencies, marketers and consultants to get the exact information they need without the hassle. Simply snip and build! 

Detailed Feature Comparison

Data Connectivity

SnipOwl: Offers unlimited connections as it doesn't rely on typical integretion methods and allows the user the ability can combine any part of the internet to match their needs.
Geckoboard: Provides 80+ integrations, with a focus on popular business and analytics platforms.

Visualization Options

SnipOwl: As each snip is an exact capture of your data, it will depend on the capture.
Geckoboard: Offers a variety of pre-built widgets and visualizations, with some customization options.

Collaboration Features

SnipOwl:  Can embed your data anywhere and can be shared by link.
Geckoboard: Basic sharing and viewing permissions.

Customization Capabilities

SnipOwl: All dashboards are fully customizable.
Geckoboard: Moderate customization options, with some limitations on advanced designs.

Reporting Automation

SnipOwl: At the moment Snipowl does not offer any automated reporting 
Geckoboard: Basic scheduling options available.

Use Case Scenarios

Here are a few use cases to see if Snipowl is the right fit and a good Geckoboard alternative:

Marketing Analytics

SnipOwl: excels in creating comprehensive marketing dashboards using its intuitive snip feature, allowing the user to capture any marketing data they want.
Geckoboard: offers simple, focused dashboards for key marketing metrics.

Sales Reporting

SnipOwl: provides more flexibility in combining data from various CRM and sales tools.
Geckoboard: offers straightforward sales dashboards with essential metrics.

Financial Dashboards

SnipOwl: offers more advanced customization for complex financial visualizations.
Geckoboard: provides simple financial reporting capabilities focused on key metrics.

Project Management

Both tools perform well, with SnipOwl offering more advanced features for complex project tracking.

Pricing Breakdown

SnipOwl Pricing Plans

  • Starter: $19.99/month
  • Pro: $29.99/month
  • Starter: $11.99/month (Yearly plan)
  • Pro: $19.99/month (Yearly plan)

Geckoboard Pricing

  • Essential: $39/month
  • Complete: $199/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

While Geckoboard offers simplicity and ease of use, SnipOwl provides more advanced features and customization that justify its cost for businesses seeking a better Geckoboard alternative.

User Experience

Ease of Use

SnipOwl: Intuitive interface with drag-and-drop functionality, suitable for users seeking a more powerful Geckoboard alternative.
Geckoboard: Very user-friendly interface, ideal for quick setup of simple dashboards.

Learning Curve

SnipOwl: Very easy and straight-forward. Can build a live dashboard in seconds.
Geckoboard: Simple, designed for easy adoption by non-technical users.

Customer Support

SnipOwl: Dedicated support team and knowledge base 
Geckoboard: Good customer support, with various resources available.

Data Refresh and Real-Time Capabilities

Both SnipOwl and Geckoboard offer real-time data capabilities, but SnipOwl provides more customizable refresh rates and real-time features, making it a strong alternative to Geckoboard for those needing more control over data updates.

Integration and Compatibility

SnipOwl Integrations: Offers unlimited connections with popular marketing, sales, and business tools.

Geckoboard Integrations: Provides 80+ integrations, focusing on popular business and analytics platforms.

API Availability

Geckoboard offers API access, but SnipOwl's is more flexible and easier to use, making it a preferred Geckoboard alternative for users.

Pros and Cons List



  • Advanced customization
  • Cost-effective for small to medium businesses
  • Quick setup and deployment


  • No native integrations 



  • Very user-friendly
  • Quick setup for basic dashboards
  • Focus on key metrics


  • Limited advanced features
  • Less customization options
  • Basic collaboration features

Choosing Between SnipOwl and Geckoboard

While Geckoboard offers simplicity and ease of use for basic metric tracking, SnipOwl stands out as a powerful Geckoboard alternative with its advanced customization, efffortless user experience, and features. For businesses looking to elevate their data reporting beyond  visualizations, SnipOwl serves as an excellent alternative to Geckoboard, particularly for those who require more flexibility and advanced analytics capabilities in their reporting.

Ready to explore a powerful alternative to Geckoboard? Try SnipOwl today and transform your data visualization experience.

FAQ Section

Q: What are the main alternatives to Geckoboard?
A: SnipOwl is one of the leading Geckoboard alternatives, offering advanced features and customization options.

Q: How does SnipOwl compare to other Geckoboard alternatives?
A: SnipOwl stands out with its user-friendly interface, robust capabilities, and excellent customer support, making it a top Geckoboard alternative.

Q: Can SnipOwl fully replace Geckoboard for my business needs?
A: Yes, SnipOwl can fully replace Geckoboard for most business needs, offering more advanced features and customization options.

Q: What unique features does SnipOwl offer as an alternative to Geckoboard?
A: SnipOwl offers quick reporting, more customization options, and features compared to Geckoboard.

Q: Is SnipOwl more suitable for large businesses than Geckoboard?
A: While both tools can serve businesses of various sizes, SnipOwl's features make it a particularly strong Geckoboard alternative for growing and large businesses with complex data needs.