Not sure what tools of ecommerce will stop you drowning in data for your online shopify store? I've been there. It's a mess trying to juggle Shopify stats, ad performance, and sales figures. But what if I told you there's a tool that can pull it all together?

Enter Snipowl. It's not just another on of those analytics software for ecommerce - its unique edge that pros rely on. Let me break down why it's got everyone talking.

Why Ecommerce Tools Matter

First off, let's chat about why we even need ecommerce tools. Running an online store isn't just about slapping products on a website anymore. It's a whole different ballgame.

You've got to track ecommerce analytics, keep an eye on marketing campaigns, and more. Without the right shopify tools, you're basically flying blind.

That's where ecommerce tools and technologies come in. They're like your digital Swiss Army knife - helping you slice through the chaos and make sense of it all.

Snipowl: The All-in-One Solution

Now, let's talk Snipowl. It's not just another name in the sea of ecommerce tools. It's the Swiss Army knife on steroids. One of the upcoming best software for ecommerce.

Here's why it's a cut above the other ecommerce analytics tools:

  • Drag-and-Drop Data Centralisation
  • Workflow Streamlining by consolidating all your tabs 
  • Cost-Effective Analytics that doesnt rely on API keys 

Let's dive deeper into each of these. 

Data Centralisation: Your One-Stop Shop

Ever tried to make sense of data spread across multiple platforms  and tabs? It's a nightmare. Snipowl changes that.

You can now pull in data from:

  • Shopify analytics dashboard
  • All your Ad platforms that you use for maretking 
  • External Marketing tools

All in one place. No more tab-hopping or data-juggling. Everything you need, right at your fingertips. Simply snip, build and track.

Workflow Streamlining: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Time is money, especially in ecommerce. Snipowl gets that. Its dashboards are designed to give you the big picture at a glance. Compared to other ecommerce analytics tools you can select the exact information you need, along with other sources without any hassle. 

You can:

  • Track sales trends
  • Monitor marketing campaign performance
  • Spot inventory issues before they become problems

It's like having a bird's eye view of your entire operation.

Cost-Effective Ecommerce Analytics: More Bang for Your Buck

Let's talk money. Other ecommerce analytics tools can cost an arm and a leg especially when they charge by user, outside integrations and API calls. Not Snipowl.

It offers:

  • Comprehensive analytics as you can combine data from unlimited resources 
  • Lower API costs compared to competitors since Snipowl doesn't rely on them
  • Abiltiy to create live dashboards in seconds with no prior expertise.

It's a no-brainer if you're looking to maximise your ROI and get those most out of your ecommerce analytics.

Shopify Analytics: A Match Made in Heaven

If you're using Shopify (and let's face it, who isn't?), Snipowl is your new best friend.

It integrates seamlessly with Shopify analytics, giving you:

  • Real-time sales data
  • Customer behaviour insights
  • Inventory tracking
  • Unlimited integrations with outside sources 

All without leaving the Snipowl dashboard. It's Shopify analytics on steroids.

Digital Commerce Analytics: Beyond the Basics

But Snipowl isn't just about Shopify. It's a powerhouse for digital commerce analytics across the board.

You can:

  • Track cross-platform performance from your favorite tools
  • Analyse customer journeys through google analytics 
  • Identify top-performing products 

All in one location! It's like having a team of data analysts working 24/7.

Email Marketing Integration: Boost Your Conversions

Email marketing is still king in ecommerce. Snipowl knows this and delivers.

It allows you you to freely integrates with top ecommerce email marketing software, allowing you to:

  • Track campaign performance
  • Segment your audience
  • Automate follow-ups

All along your other ecommerce analytics tools. It's like having a marketing team in your pocket.

Google Analytics Integration: The Best of Both Worlds

Love Google Analytics? No worries. Snipowl plays nice with it too.

You can:

  • Import Google Analytics data
  • Compare it with your Shopify stats
  • Get a holistic view of your online presence

It's the best of both worlds - Google's power with Snipowl's user-friendliness.

Shopify Marketing Tools: Amplify Your Efforts

Snipowl doesn't just track your marketing - it enhances it. It integrates with various Shopify marketing tools, helping you:

  • Identify top-performing campaigns
  • Spot underperforming ads
  • Optimise your marketing spend

It's like having a marketing guru on speed dial.

Competitor Analysis: Stay Ahead of the Game

In ecommerce, knowing your competition is half the battle. Snipowl's got you covered there too.

Its Shopify competitor analysis tools help you:

  • Track competitor pricing
  • Monitor their product offerings
  • Identify market gaps

Since all snips are live and update, you can track changes! It's like having a spy in the enemy camp.

Why Snipowl is the Future of Ecommerce Tools

So, why should you care about Snipowl? Simple. It's not just another tool - it's a complete ecommerce ecosystem.

It brings together:

  • Data centralisation
  • Cost-effective ecommerce analytics
  • Seamless integrations with various tools of ecommerce 
  • Powerful marketing tools
  • Competitor insights

All in one user-friendly package. It's designed to evolve with your business, scaling as you grow.

The Future of Ecommerce is Here

In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, staying ahead means having the right tool of  ecommerce. Snipowl isn't just another name in a sea of ecommerce tools - it's a complete solution designed to evolve your business with ecommerce dashboards.

From centralising your data whether its to track your shopify analytics dashboard, consolidate your ecommerce email marketing software or perform shopify competitor analysis - Snipowl offers it all. Snipowl is one of the best complimentary analytics software for ecommerce.

So, are you ready to take your ecommerce game to the next level? Give Snipowl a shot. Your future self will thank you.


Q: Is Snipowl suitable for small businesses?
A: Absolutely. Its scalable pricing makes it accessible for businesses of all sizes.

Q: Can Snipowl replace my existing ecommerce analytics tools?
A: In many cases, Snipowl is not a complete replacement, but enhances all your resources to have a complete overview of all the best ecommerce tools.

Q: How difficult is it to set up Snipowl?
A: Compared to other ecommerce tools and technologies. It's designed to be user-friendly. Most users can set it up in a matter of seconds, not days.

Q: Does Snipowl offer customer support?
A: The best software for ecommerce requires the best customer support. Yes, they offer customer support to help you make the most of the tool.