Security and Privacy

Security is our #1 Priority

Security is the foundation of SnipOwl. We've engineered our service to prioritize the protection of your data 24/7. Each Snip is row level security enabled, meaning your data is protected right from the beginning. From start to finish SnipOwl operates entirely within the browser extension and will never need access to your login credentials or any sensitive information.

Industry Standard Protection

SnipOwl leverages the same robust encryption technology used by industry leaders like Netflix and Coca-Cola to safeguard your data during every step of the process - from the moment an area is snipped to when it's stored. This ensures your information remains protected against unauthorized access at all times.

Laser Focus on Privacy

We only capture the data you explicitly request, with no background snooping or unnecessary collection. Your sensitive information stays where it belongs - within your browser, under your full control.

Dedication to Data Protection

Our commitment to security is ongoing. We continuously monitor for emerging threats and proactively update our systems to keep your data safe, giving you peace of mind that your information is as secure as if it never left your browser.